Las Islas

In 2022, steers were purchased from Las Islas Ranch to evaluate the feedlot and carcass performance of sanga-influenced cattle. Las Islas Ranch introduced a series of Sanga-influenced sires to its foundation herd of taurine-zebu crossbred cows. They started with STAR bulls and then later introduced South Poll bulls. In other words, the offspring being evaluated are from South Poll sires and STAR grandsires.

The steers were sorted into three lots based on weight.

Lot 568LotLot
Head (#)117105
Days on Feed (#)266
Wt. in (lbs)581
Wt. out (lbs)1,497
Gain (lbs)916
Conversion (dm)5.64
Choice Plus (#,%)103 (88.03%)90 (85.71%)
Select & Less (#,%)14 (11.97%)15 (14.29%)
Yield Grade 1 (#,%)5 (4.27%)3 (2.86%)
Yield Grade 2 (#,%)38 (32.48%)36 (34.29%)
Yield Grade 3 (#,%)50 (42.74%)48 (45.71%)
Yield Grade 4 (#,%)23 (19.66%)15 (14.29%)
Yield Grade 5 (#,%)1 (0.85%)3 (2.86%)

Top End Group: Lot 568

Midrange Group: Lot 567

Bottom End Group