
Today's cattle fall within the species Bos taurus. They evolved from an extinct species, Bos primigenius, which are known as aurochs.

Due to migration and adaptation to local climates, several subspecies of evolved, which are highlighted in the chart below. The adaption was likely driven by natural selection and/or trait selection. Further trait selection created various breeds of cattle.

Thanks to genetic sequencing, we can definitively trace the cattle “family tree”, which is illustrated in this phylogenetic chart. [insert chart]

Bos taurus taurus

Bos taurus taurus, common know as Taurine, is a subspecies of cattle that evolved within Temperate climates of Western Europe. They can be further group by breeds developed on the British Isles and those developed on the European continent.

British breeds

British breeds are Taurine cattle known for cold tolerance and carcass quality. Notable breeds include: Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn, Red Polled


Continental breeds

Continental breeds are Taurine cattle know for cold tolerance and muscularity. Notable breeds include: Charolais, Gelvbieh, Simmental, Limousine

Notable traits:


Bos taurus indicus
Bos taurus africanus