2022 Calfcrop

Three bulls, a Senepol, a STAR and a Brangus, were mated to (bos taurus) x (bos indicus) crossbred heifers, including Brangus and some Santa Gertrudis, Beefmaster, and Simbrah.

Senepol Sired Calves

Although Senepol are red, these calves are black because they carry a dominant black gene from their dam. The calves do displays typical Senepol traits: slick hair coat, deep-set foreheads, and skin wrinkles. They have dewlap or loose skin, which is indicative of heat tolerant cattle, but unlike zebu cattle, they have moderate sized ears. The calves also have a Kewpie dolls point at their poll, which is also indicative of Senepol and some other breeds.

STAR Sired Calves

STAR is composite of Senepol, Tuli and Angus Red, which is why the calves display traits of all three breeds. They reflect their sire's confirmation, specifically the angle of their shoulders, knees and hocks are relatively straighter. Their sire passed along a dilution color gene to many of them. The black hided calves appear gray, and the red hided calves appear yellow, orange or dun. They have dewlap and skin wrinkles indicative of heat tolerant cattle, but unlike zebu cattle, they have small to moderate sized ears.

Brangus Sired Calves

This Brangus sire stamps his offspring with his distinctive head, droopy ears, larger frame and muscle pattern. Not that these calves have long hair, but they clearly do not carry the dominate slick coat gene from the other two sires.